Friday, November 16, 2007

Compulsory Voting

It is surprising to know that Voting is Compulsory in Australia. Also there is a penalty if some one does not vote, with out any proper reasons. Wish it becomes true in India as well. In reality Even if we forget the penalty, with such a huge population it is very difficult to implement compulsory voting. Most of the middle class does not come out for voting. At least hope things change and more and more people come for voting.



Blogger Michael Wheatland said...

Why does this surprise you, compulsory voting with the secret ballot system is the most democratic way to perform an election.

The secret ballot was invented in Australia, and is now implemented across many other countries.

The use of compulsory voting allows people who would normally pressured not to vote into the booth so that they can make up their mind in private. That way they can either donkey vote (no vote) or actually vote for who they want without outside influence.

Australians still have the right not to vote, but they must make the decision for themselves inside the booth rather than being pressured by their peers.

Saturday, November 17, 2007 4:40:00 AM  
Blogger A. Vimal Babu said...


I agree and strongly in favour that every citizen needs to vote in the election.I was under impression that in a democratic country, every one has the right to vote, but was never aware that in some countries like australia it is mandatory for a citizen to vote.(that is the reason, I was surprised). Yes even in India we had secret ballot system, it was a manual system where one can register their vote. Since most of the middle class people don't vote, others (esp political party followers) started proxying their votes illegally. So now we have Electronic Voting System, these things are bit reduced. But making the middle class people to come for voting, still remains a challenge. I wish, that voting becomes compulsory (atleast let every one come to the voting both).

Saturday, November 17, 2007 1:52:00 PM  

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